US Selective Service Local Board

An Opportunity to Serve - Local Selective Service Board

The local Fluvanna Selective Service Board is seeking interested and qualified applicants to fill two vacancies on the board. A Selective Service local board is a group of citizen volunteers whose mission, during a draft, would be to decide who among the registrants in their community would receive deferments, postponements, or exemption from military service based on the individual registrant’s circumstances and beliefs.

Purpose: Being a board member allows residents to represent the young men of their community and have a say in the draft process should it ever be required. Additionally, the board is completely comprised of volunteers, thus alleviating any question of draft motivations against residents of the county, on behalf of the federal government itself. This is a Governor-appointed position.

  • 18 years of age or older (There is no maximum age for board members and ALL ages are encouraged to apply)
  • Have registered themselves for the Selective Service (If male)
  • United States Citizen (Male or Female)
  • No criminal history
  • Prior service veterans are encouraged to apply (Prior Service refers to those who served under twenty years and who did not retire from the military or are collecting a military pension)
  • Cannot be Active Duty, Active Reserve Component, or Retired Military collecting a military pension
  • Not a current law enforcement or court’s employee (responsible for enforcing the draft)

Time Commitment: An initial 4-hour, online training and then annual 2-hour refresher trainings. The initial online training explains the roles and responsibilities of the local board in greater detail.

In the unlikely event of a draft, the member would report to a board within their county to adjudicate claims of county residents who are drafted and object to military service.
In peacetime, being a member of the board is a minimal time commitment, and members can serve for up to 20 years, or less if they choose.

Type of claims: These claims range from conscientious objection to seminary students to single parents, etc.
If interested, please contact Kelly Harris at