Upcoming Public Meetings

Once a public hearing is scheduled (Planning Commission or Board of Supervisors) information will be found here or on the individual page for the specific meeting.

Board of Supervisors Public Hearings
When scheduled, Public Hearings are held the 3rd Wednesday of the month unless otherwise indicated.
Meeting Date and Time Subject Parcel/Property Items to be Considered (click on item for meeting materials)
Wednesday, November 20, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.   Ordinance to amend and reordain “Code of the County of Fluvanna, Virginia,” by repealing and reenacting Chapter 6 - Erosion and Sedimentation Control in its entirety to conform County code with current Virginia erosion and sediment control statutes and regulations.
Wednesday, November 20, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.   Lease agreement between Fluvanna County and Fluvanna Christian Service Society for the use of property at Carysbrook Complex.
Wednesday, November 20, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.  

Ordinance to amend and reordain the “Code of County of Fluvanna, Virginia,” by enacting § 20-1-8 to exempt from taxation as tangible personal property the following items: household goods and personal effects and farm animals, grains, and other feeds, agricultural products, farm machinery and farm implements

Wednesday, November 20, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.  

The Adopted FY2025 budget totals $107,505,194 in revenues and expenditures. The proposed amendment for the Fluvanna County Public Schools budget calls for an increase of $3,211,343.17 from federal and state funds.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.   ZTA 24:05 – Amendments to the Fluvanna County Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, repealing §§ 19-7-2, 22-4-10, 22-4-10.1, 22-4-10.2 and 22-4-10.3 and amending §§ 19-8-1, 19-8-6, 22-4-2.1, and 22-4-3 to eliminate rural cluster subdivision regulations and use
Planning Commission Public Hearings
When scheduled, Planning Commission Public Hearings are held the Tuesday after the first Wednesday of each month unless otherwise indicated.  
Meeting Date and Time Subject Parcel/Property Items to be Considered (click on item for meeting materials)  


Tuesday, April 8, 2025 at 7:00pm


TMP 10-A-60A

SUP 25:01 Sprouse, a specialty retail store – A Special Use Permit request in the A-1, Agricultural, General District for a specialty retail store on an approximately 7-acre parcel located at 1474 North Boston Road, Troy, Virginia 22964 and also known as Tax Map Parcel 10-A-60A. This parcel is located in the Rural Residential Planning Area and in the Columbia Magisterial District.



Tuesday, April 8, 2025 at 7:00pm



TMP 57-A-34

SUP 25:02 Seven Islands Riverfront Campsites – A Special Use Permit request in the A-1, Agricultural, General District for a primitive campground with three campsites on approximately 6-acres of an approximately 80-acre parcel located on the south side of the James River and also known as Tax Map Parcel 57-A-34. This parcel is located in the Rural Preservation Planning Area of the Fork Union Magisterial District and is accessed from Route 652 (Bridge Port Road) in Buckingham County.




Board of Zoning Appeals

Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month (as necessary), at 7:00pm at The County Administration Building in the Morris Room
Meeting Date and Time Subject Parcel/Property Items to be Considered (click on item for meeting materials)

Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at 7:00pm

TMP 47-A-42

BZA 25:01 – Alfonso Calderone: A request for a seventy-nine (79) foot Variance to Section 22-4-3 (C) (1) (a) of the Fluvanna County Code to allow for the reduction of the required minimum frontage from five hundred (500) feet to four hundred and twenty-one (421) feet with respect to 11.04 acres of Tax Map 47, Section A, Parcel 42. The subject property is zoned A-1, Agricultural, General, and is located in the Rural Residential Planing Area and in the Cunningham Election District.










County Sponsored Community Meetings

From time to time, the County may hold informational meetings that may be of interest to the Community.
These meetings could pertain to upcoming zoning actions, a potential business locating in the County, or other matters of concern to the residents of the County.
Meeting Date and Time Subject Parcel/Property Items to be Considered (click on item for meeting materials)