Help your family be prepared!

  1. Call a family meeting and make a plan.
    Some disasters strike without any warning, and family members may not all be in the same place.  How will you get in touch with each other?  Where will you meet?  How will you get out of your house in case of a fire? What if your neighborhood is being evacuated?  It’s important to make a plan now so that you will know what to do, how to find each other, and how to communicate in an emergency.  Download the Make a Plan form below.   
  2. Be prepared.  Build a kit.
    Being prepared for an emergency isn’t just about staying safe during a disaster.  It’s about how to stay comfortable, clean, fed and healthy afterwards – when a storm or disaster may have knocked out electricity.

    If you lost power, how would you eat?  The refrigerator can’t keep foods cold.  The microwave can’t warm things up.  You might not get clean water out of your faucets.  How would you find out whether it was safe to travel?  Not from the TV or computer.

    That’s why it’s important for families to work together to build an emergency kit before an emergency strikes.  There should be enough food, water, clothing and supplies to last for at least three days.  Download a Kit List below.   

  3. Stay informed.  Know the facts and be empowered.
    Emergencies can be scary.  But the more you know about them, the better you can deal with what comes your way—during and after.  Learn more about the natural disasters that occur in our county:  their cause, where they occur, and how to stay safe.  Download the Taking Responsibility Flier below.    

    Download the What to Do flier to learn more about the types disasters that can happen in our County.