Parks and Recreation


Not a Resident of Fluvanna County

Non-residents are welcome to sign up for any and all classes.

Youth Sports

Fluvanna County Parks and Recreation coordinates youth flag football in the Fall and youth basketball in the Winter.  Please  click here for a list of additional youth sports in the county for your son or daughter.


Parks & Recreation locations

The Fluvanna Community Center is located at 5725 James Madison Highway, Fork Union, VA 23055.  Click here for directions and a map showing our office location.


Office Hours

The Fluvanna Community Center is open from 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. We are closed on Saturdays and Sundays, and all major holidays.


The Pleasant Grove House Museum & Welcome Center is open from 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday Saturdays and Sundays hours 12-4 pm closed all major holidays.


Registration is accepted during normal business hours and we also have drop boxes at the locations listed above for you to leave payment with registration information.

Our main office phone numbers are 434-842-3150 and 434-589-2016.

Where is the Dog Park

The Dog Park at Pleasant Grove is located at the Eastern Trailhead entrance, which is 108 Thomas Jefferson Parkway, Palmyra, VA 22963

Civil War Park

The center piece of this park is a Civil War monument that was dedicated by local Civil war veterans.  It contains picnic tables for a peaceful picnic.

Carysbrook Performing Art Center

Parks and Recreation has the ability to rent the Carysbrook Performing Art Center Area for private events when not use.  Please contact us for more information about your rental interest.

Please see the link for the Performing Art Center event schedule:

Advisory Board

Recreation Advisory Board

Member shall advise the Director of Parks and Recreation and the Board of Supervisors on the planning and development of a comprehensive system of parks and recreation services for the benefit of the citizens of Fluvanna County.  Members also serve as a liaison between the Parks and Recreation Director, the Board of Supervisors, and the citizens of the County.


  • 4:30 pm
  • 2nd Tuesday of every other month beginning in January
  • County Administrative Building-Morris Room, Palmyra, VA 22963
