DATA Dashboard

(Document Accessibility, Transparency, and Accountability)


Welcome to Fluvanna County’s DATA Dashboard for citizens!  This web-based tool provides citizens with easy access to information about the County and County Government operations.  The dashboard covers topics including County demographics, County Government services, and the status of County operations in key areas and includes charts, graphs, spreadsheets, narratives, and numerous performance indicators.

  • Users can select from the seven major categories at left, and from multiple subcategories in each.
  • Data is generally presented over a multiyear period, and is mostly shown by either the County’s fiscal year or calendar year depending on how the data is collected.  The County’s fiscal year (FY) runs from July 1st until June 30th.
  • Most data files are opened in a new web browser tab.

If you have any questions or comments about the DATA Dashboard, please contact the County Administration Office at (434) 591-1910 or email us at   Let us know what you think – we would love to get your feedback!

Fluvanna County . . . a great place to live, learn, work, and play!