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I WantTo...
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Column 3
Marcus Alert
Mental health awareness response and community understanding services (Marcus) alert system
In accordance with § 9.1-193. (Effective March 1, 2021) Mental health awareness response and community understanding services (Marcus) alert system, subsection F. By July 1, 2021, every locality shall establish a voluntary database to be made available to the 9-1-1 alert system and the Marcus alert system to provide relevant mental health information and emergency contact information for an appropriate response to an emergency or crisis. Identifying and health information concerning behavioral health illness, mental health illness, developmental or intellectual disability, or brain injury may be voluntarily provided to the database by the individual with the behavioral health illness, mental health illness, developmental or intellectual disability, or brain injury; the parent or legal guardian of such individual if the individual is under the age of 18; or a person appointed the guardian of such person as defined in § 64.2-2000. An individual shall be removed from the database when he reaches the age of 18, unless he or his guardian, as defined in § 64.2-2000, requests that the individual remain in the database. Information provided to the database shall not be used for any other purpose except as set forth in this subsection.
Sheriff Eric B. Hess established a voluntary database in the Fluvanna County Sheriff's Office, and it is available to individuals of our county. This is a voluntary program and only the individual or their guardian can enter the information in the database.
If you would like to be in the database, click here.
For more information, on the Mental health awareness response and community understanding services (Marcus) alert system; law-enforcement protocols, click here.
To see the news release from Governor Northam, click here.