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Column 2
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Column 3
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Column 3
Fluvanna County Interagency Council - Partner Organizations
Organization |
Description |
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Blue Ridge Health District (BRHD) |
The Blue Ridge Health District (BRHD) is one of 35 health districts under the Virginia Department of Health. We have five health departments and one community-based clinic providing public health services to over 250,000 people in Albemarle, Charlottesville, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa, and Nelson, VA. You can read more about the demographics and characteristics of the communities we serve in the MAPP2Health Report, Section III: Who We Are. |
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Fluvanna County Adult Education |
All classes meet in the Fluvanna Adult Education Center located at 14455 James Madison Highway, Palmyra, VA (lower level of Administration Building, class entrance on left of building). All classes and materials are free. Open enrollment. Day Class 9:00 AM – 12 Noon Tuesdays and Thursdays To register for Zoom online Evening Class 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM Tuesdays and Thursdays Call 434.961.5461 Families Learning Together - (Must have a child ages 0 – 9) During School Hours Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays For additional information, please call 434-589-1623 or 434-842-9273 |
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Fluvanna County Social Services |
The Department of Social Services offers an array of services to eligible citizens of Fluvanna County. Some of these services include benefit programs such as SNAP (food stamps), Medicaid, TANF, FAMIS (health insurance for children), General Relief, Emergency Energy Assistance, and Auxiliary Grant. Additional services include Child and Adult Protective Services, Foster Care, Adult Services, subsidized Child Care, Adoption and Family Services. Along with the above assistance, staff will also assist with referrals to other community agencies that may be able to help with individual issues not covered by the department. |
Habitat for Humanity |
Fluvanna County Habitat for Humanity is part of a global, non-profit housing organization operated on Christian principles that seeks to put God’s love into action by building homes, communities and hope. Fluvanna County Habitat for Humanity is dedicated to eliminating substandard housing locally and worldwide through constructing, rehabilitating and preserving homes; by advocating for fair and just housing policies; and by providing training and access to resources to help improve their shelter conditions. Habitat for Humanity was founded on the conviction that every man, woman and child should have a simple, durable place to live in dignity and safety, and that decent shelter in decent communities should be a matter of conscience and action for all. We are a 501(c)(3) organization. |
JABA (Jefferson Area Board for Aging) |
The Jefferson Area Board for Aging (JABA) has been serving individuals and caregivers along the journey of aging since 1975. We are the gateway for information and support for seniors, adults with disabilities, and their families throughout central Virginia. In 1986, JABA created JABA, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit, to raise funds from private sources to enhance our programs and better serve the growing number of seniors in our area. Our mission is to promote, establish and preserve sustainable communities for healthy aging that benefit individuals and families of all ages. |
JAUNT, Inc. is a regional public transportation system providing service to the citizens of Albemarle, Fluvanna, Louisa, Nelson, Buckingham, and Amherst Counties, as well as Charlottesville. Organized in 1975, JAUNT is recognized statewide and nationally for the high quality of its efficient service and driver training. |
MACAA (Monticello Area Community Action Agency) |
Since 1965, Monticello Area Community Action Agency (MACAA) has led the effort to eradicate poverty and improve the lives of low-income people in Central Virginia. We provide programs that benefit preschool-aged children, teens and adults in our communities. |
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Meals on Wheels |
We Fight Hunger It is our mission to see that senior, disabled, and homebound adults in Fluvanna County do not go hungry. Meals on Wheels volunteers deliver a hot nutritious meal, a warm smile, and a safety and wellness check so that senior and disabled adults may remain healthy and living in their own homes. Meals are delivered at lunchtime every Monday through Friday, and we currently have an active volunteer force of more than 200 volunteers who prepare and deliver meals to clients in need of our services in the County of Fluvanna. Our meals are prepared by Fluvanna's Dogwood Restaurant in accordance with VDA* guidelines, and the meals are for heart-healthy and low-sodium diets. *The Virginia Department for the Aging (VDA) establishes menu planning guidelines to aid program providers in the provision of safe and nutritious meals that meet the requirements of the Older Americans Act. We Alleviate Isolation Fluvanna Meals on Wheels provides a source of daily social contact for people who would often otherwise be alone. Caring volunteers alleviate the sense of isolation and worry of our clients and observe their physical and mental status to assure their welfare and health. For some of our clients, this may be their only contact for the day. Warm, nutritious meals and daily wellness checks allow for earlier release from hospitals and long-term care facilities. These daily checks can often keep our elderly and disabled community members out of institutions altogether. They also allow senior married couples to remain together in their own homes for longer periods of time. Because volunteers check on meal recipients every day, people who live alone can feel safe knowing that someone would notice if anything were to happen to them. |
ReadyKids |
Since 1921, we have helped create a brighter future for the children of central Virginia. A local nonprofit that addresses the issues of poverty, child abuse & neglect, parenting, child care quality, teen & family conflict, and early learning. |
Region 10 |
Region Ten is where people go for help with mental health, substance use and/or developmental disabilities. Those who qualify for Medicaid, have insurance, and those with no payment source receive services designed to help them achieve their individual goals and recovery. Region Ten has more than 60 different programs to aid and support all ages from babies with developmental delays, teens who have experienced trauma, adults with a serious mental illness, and those struggling to maintain a drug-free life. Region Ten provides a variety of outpatient, intensive outpatient, day support and residential programs with 24/7 crisis support. The agency’s mission is Working Together to Enrich Our Community One Life at a Time. |
TRIAD Partnership |
TRIAD is a cooperative effort of sheriffs/police, the state’s attorney general’s office, and senior residents and their organizations. It is focused on reducing crimes against our most vulnerable residents, our seniors. Volunteers are needed as committee members and also to help at TRIAD events. |
Sexual Assault Resource Agency (SARA) Phone: 434-295-7273 https://saracville.org/involved/volunteer |
Volunteers play a vital role in SARA’s mission to educate our community and assist and empower people who have experienced sexual violence. | |
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Shelter for Help in Emergency (The Shelter) |
The Shelter for Help in Emergency works to support and empower victims of domestic violence through a combination of residential, community-based and outreach services. With 16 positions for a staff of 22 full and part-time employees, and the benefit of over 5,000 volunteer hours per year, the Shelter for Help in Emergency provides services to over 400 adults and children annually. Mission Statement: Working to end domestic violence in our community. Philosophy Statement: The Shelter for Help in Emergency is committed to providing a safe, supportive, confidential, and respectful environment in which survivors of domestic violence are empowered with the knowledge of personal and community resources as well as the skills needed to make informed decisions for themselves and their families. |
Virginia Department of Health (incl. HIV/Aids) |
Whatever your experience or training, your community needs you. In Virginia there are 31 Medical Reserve Corps units and more than 12,500 volunteers. Learn more about the local MRC unit in your area. |