Board of Supervisors Agenda Submittal Information

Agencies, Organizations, and Citizens wishing to have an item included on the Board of Supervisors Agenda must have the item approved by the County Administrator. 

Such requests may be e-mailed to the Clerk to the Board.

Board of Supervisors meeting dates may be found here.

Prior Agenda Packets, Actions, Minutes, and Audio may be found here.

Submission of an item does not guarantee that item will be placed on the requested agenda or any future agenda.

  1. Accepted Agenda items are due by close-of-business (COB) Tuesday the week before the Board meeting.
          Note: Presentations are due by COB Tuesday the week of the meeting.

  2. All items require a Staff Report.

  3. Samples and the “Motion – Staff Report Template” are available in the Forms Library.

  4. Items can be in any file format (e.g., doc, docx, pdf, ppt, pptx, xls, xlxs)

  5. Name the submission files as follows:

    For Agenda Category: Name Your File:
    06  Appointments 06 - Short title ot item similar to agenda
    07  Presentations 07 - 
    08  Action Matters 08 - 
    09  Public Hearings 09 - 
    10  Consent Agenda 10 - 
    11  Unfinished Business 11 - 
    12 New Business 12 - 


6. Email the materials to (County Staff submit to BOS Submissions folder in County Library drive.)

7. No paper copies required.

8. Presentations shall be limited to ten (10) minutes and Action Item presentations shall be limited to thirty (30) minutes. 

Questions regarding Board of Supervisors meetings, agendas, etc. should be directed to:

Clerk to the Board of Supervisors
P.O. Box 540
Palmyra, VA 22963

phone: 434-591-1910
fax: 434-591-1913