BOS Oct 6, 2021 - 4:00pm Regular Meeting

Calendar Date:
Wednesday, October 6, 2021 - 4:00pm

a stone building in a green field with a small river beside. orange persimmons hang from the top of the seal.

Live stream: County YouTube Channel

Join Zoom Meeting: The zoom portal will open approximately 10 minutes before the meeting begins; participants who enter before the Host starts the meeting will be placed in the waiting room until the meeting is started.

Meeting ID: 868 3180 9748
Passcode: 776941

Dial by your location
        1-301-715-8592 US (Washington D.C)
Meeting ID: 868 3180 9748
Passcode: 776941

When joining by phone, the following commands can be entered using your phone's dial pad:

*6 - Toggle mute/unmute
*9 - Raise hand