Vehicle Break-ins at Fluvanna Dog Park

The Fluvanna County Sheriff's Office seeks information regarding an incident that occurred Sunday, July 7, 2024, at the Fluvanna County Dog Park.

Multiple vehicles were targeted and had items stolen from them.

If anyone was at the park between 10AM and 1250PM and saw anything suspicious, please don't hesitate to reach out and ask for Deputy Gates at 434-589-8211.

Help Prevent Car Break-ins - Secure Your Vehicle

A majority of car break-ins and thefts happen to unlocked cars. Even if you are parked in front of your house, in your driveway, or inside your garage, lock your doors and close your windows - even the sun roof. An unlocked door or an opened window is an opportunity - eliminate that opportunity.

Avoid leaving anything visible in the car. Almost any item that's visible from the outside - even if you think it is worthless - could be seen as valuable to someone looking in your windows. Your spare change, sunglasses, even an empty bag could be valuable in the mind of a thief.